Advisor to the Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs Announced
The first Iranian migration outlook was published

The yearbook is published by theefforts of Iran Migration Observatoryand Danesh-Bonyan Publications.The head of the publication explainedabout the book: the outlook includesinformation about various migrationareas in different chapters. Thesestatistics include the population ofIranians living abroad, displacementof students, and work migrations. Ofcourse, there is information on forcedmigration-asylum based on domesticsources and international referencereports, which can be very useful forexecutives and researchers in thisfield.
The head of the information and communication center of the Vice-Presidency continued: the outlook is published bythe efforts of Iran Migration Observatory, a sub-organization of the policy-making research institution of SharifUniversity of Technology. The book includes comprehensive information about the population of Iranian immigrantsacross the country along with the share of Iranian immigrants in the global migration population basket based onvarious indexes.
Karami considered the publication of the “yearly migration outlook” an important and valuable step internationally.
Such measures could also, in line with the UN Charter on "Safe and Systematic Migration", provide the ground for moreserious attention by international organizations and institutions, including the International Organization for Migration, inorder to provide more financial and moral support to Iran.
According to Karami, the yearly migration observatory was prepared with the support of the Vice-Presidency and incooperation with the center for international science and technology cooperation and a group of researchers andactivists in the field.
This yearbook is scheduled to be updated regularly and annually, and from this perspective will be a valid scientificreference for analysis and policy in the field of immigration. It is hoped that the outlook will be an important step in thefield of migration studies in the country. The outlook was unveiled in the beginning of the week in the presence of thevice president for science and technology affairs.
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