
" Medicine in the Islamicate world: Inside and Outside the body"

" Medicine in the Islamicate world: Inside and Outside the body"
24 July 2022 | 12:09 Code : 28028 Main news Slide news
" Medicine in the Islamicate world: Inside and Outside the body"
" Medicine in the Islamicate world: Inside and Outside the body"

" Medicine in the Islamicate world: Inside and Outside the body"

Will be held with the Cooperation of Iranian Care School and Appraise to Raise group of TUMS International Deputy Department, on Monday July 25th at 6 p.m, Tehran Zone.

Link :https://en.tums.ac.ir/appraisetoraise/en/content/964/medicine-in-the-islamicate-world-inside-and-outside-the-body

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