With efforts of International Relations Office of the University;

Visits and negotiations were held to establish an agreement with Al-Mostafa International University

20 January 2020 | 07:48 Code : 7374 Main news Slide news
Visits and negotiations were held to establish an agreement with Al-Mostafa International University

At the invitation of the Al-Mostafa International University a joint meeting between representatives of the two universities was held on Sunday 12 January 2020. During the meeting, Dr.Ghanbari, Deputy of Communications and International Affairs of Al-Mostafa Society, welcomed the university with brief outline of its activities and programs in the international arena, then Dr.Jalaie, Director of International Relations Office of Arak University of Medical Sciences, expressed the potentials of the Arak University of Medical Sciences and operational program of the International Relations Office, and then two sides discussed and proposed the areas of cooperation between the two universities. At the end of meeting, a visit was made to the facilities and capabilities of Al-Mostafa University and Hekmaht Institute of Short Learning, and two sides were ready to maintain communication until a joint agreement was reached.

tags: International affair office Al-Mostafa International University agreement

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