Meeting review the MOU to attract foreign students

01 February 2020 | 16:06 Code : 7510 Main news Slide news
Meeting review the MOU to attract foreign students

Meeting review the memorandum of understanding to attract foreign students on Wednesday, January 5 this year with presences of Dr. Saeed Changizi-Ashtiyani, the Vice-chancellor of Education, Dr. Bahram Jalaii, Director of International Relations Office and Dr. Parviz Rad and Dr. Momeni deans of Medical and Dentistry schools and Hojat al-Islam Mahmoudi and at the invitation of Dr. Razavi International deputy of the center for Shiee Studies was held.

Dr. Ashtiyani welcomed and expressed potentials and opportunities of university in the field of education and said that Arak University of Medical Sciences is interested and determined to attract foreign students as soon as possible.

According to prior to the visit of educational facilities of Arak University of Medical Sciences, Dr. Razavi stated that Arak University of Medical Sciences as a rooted and reference university has a favorable infrastructure for recruiting and training foreign students in medical sciences and announced to introduce the university to the student recruitment office in more than twenty-two countries.

Further details of the MOU were discussed and it was agreed that parties should take the necessary steps to provide the conditions and establish the MOU.

tags: Arak medical university attract foreign students

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