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Be aware of fake news and corona scams
International Affairs Office

Be aware of fake news and corona scams

The president of Arak University of Medical Sciences warned about the spread of fake news in social medias and various scams with variety titles during the corona outbreak.

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The President of Arak University of Medical Sciences gave his sincere thanks to Islamic Council of Arak City for 3 billion help
International Affairs Office

The President of Arak University of Medical Sciences gave his sincere thanks to Islamic Council of Arak City for 3 billion help

Dr. Seyed Mohammad Jamalian said: "In these days when all our power and planning is to control and manage the Corona disease and the financial income of Arak University of Medical Sciences has been severly reduced, the desicion of Islamic Council of Arak City regarding the 3 billion Toman contribution to the University of Medical Sciences was admirable.

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