Recommended Herbal Tea traditional medicine

Types of herbal teas and their properties and usage method:
If you want, you can use boiling water from the beginning and brew the drink like regular tea or let the tea boil for 15 to 20 minutes on a low flame. Preferably eat these teas with honey, dates or berries. If you wish, you can drink the tea with a few drops of fresh lemon juice.
1- herbal infusion of cow tongue flowers and valerian:
Ingredients: Borage flower, 2 tablespoons; Hyacinth, 1 tablespoon; Omani lemon, 1 piece.
Properties: The flower of cow's tongue has a warm and moist nature and is anti-soda and bile, and it is a nerve relaxant, a sedative, and a pain reliever for nervous headaches and kidney pains, and lowers blood pressure.
Hyacinth Tayyab with its warm nature; anti-colic and muscle spasms and useful in the treatment of convulsions and epilepsy; It also strengthens the libido.
2- Herbal tea with lemon and saffron:
Ingredients: lemon, 1 tablespoon of jam and Xirfon, 1 tablespoon.
Properties: The nature of this tea is hot; It is effective in treating colds, convulsions, gout, sciatica, blood concentration, rheumatism, insomnia, migraine, anxiety, palpitations, headache, asthma, blood pressure and diarrhea;
Also, this tea is a memory enhancer, kidney cleanser and stomach tonic.
The consumption of this tea is prohibited for pregnant women due to the presence of xerophone.
3- Herbal tea with lemongrass and lemongrass:
Ingredients: lemongrass, 1 tablespoon of jam and Zirfon, 1 tablespoon.
Properties: This tea has a very warm nature, tonic for the heart and nerves, blood builder, brain cell booster, extremely relaxing and in some moods it is a strong blood pressure booster.
Lemon balm, on its own, is a tonic for the brain, anti-ear noise, anti-kidney diseases, anti-terrible sleep, anti-bad breath, sleep-inducing and uplifting.
This tea is also prohibited for pregnant women due to the presence of xerophone.
4- Chamomile herbal tea:
Ingredients: Chamomile 1 tablespoon.
Properties: Its nature is moderate and in desert chamomiles it is hot and dry.
It is anti-phlegm and bile and calms the nerves, especially the nerves of the stomach and intestines and their tonic, and is a very powerful cleanser of the kidneys and a general booster of the nervous system, and in addition, it is anti-fever, anti-parasitic, anti-constipation and appetite suppressant.
5- Herbal tea with lemon:
Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of lemon.
Properties: This soothing tea has a warm nature and is suitable for treating insomnia, migraine, headache, heart palpitations and asthma; Besides strengthening the stomach and anti-bloating effects, it also improves memory.
6- Herbal cinnamon tea:
Ingredients: Cinnamon, unground cinnamon.
Properties: The hot and dry nature of cinnamon has made it an excellent nerve stimulant, which in addition to having the properties of invigorating and relieving anxiety, is a kidney cleanser, repels moisture, strengthens the immune system, and is effective in the treatment of wet leg pains.
In addition to strengthening the liver and stomach, cinnamon is also an appetite suppressant and removes bad breath.
It is interesting to know that according to the opinion of old doctors, the positive effect of cinnamon on the nerves lasts up to 15 years in the body.
Pregnant women should be cautious in consuming cinnamon.
7- Herbal ginger tea:
Ingredients: 2 medium pieces of ginger (not pounded).
Properties: Ginger has a warm and dry nature and is anti-phlegm and bile, strong blood pressure booster, nerve tonic, memory enhancer, urine flow regulator, anti-moisture, hematopoietic, joint pain reliever, digestive system tonic, It dissolves gallstones, is an antidote to food poisoning, a very good treatment for malt fever and anti-cancer.
The important thing about using ginger is that excessive consumption can increase blood pressure and sexual weakness.
8- Herbal tea of nasturtium fruit:
Ingredients: 15 nostrum fruits.
Properties: This tea is mild and somewhat dry in nature; It is rich in vitamin C and is effective in preventing and treating colds.
The fruit of the nasturtium flower lowers blood pressure; Heals swelling and kidney pain and washes it; It strengthens the stomach and has anti-diarrheal effects.
9- Zirfon herbal tea:
Ingredients: Zirfon 1 tablespoon.
Properties: The nature of Zirfon is warm and its high consumption can reduce blood pressure.
This tea is used to treat nervous disorders and convulsions, chronic migraines, insomnia, headaches, lung diseases and colds, blood concentration, vomiting, rheumatism, arthritis, gout and sciatica pains.
Again, we must remind that the use of Xirophone is prohibited for pregnant women.
10- Thyme herbal tea:
Ingredients: Thyme 1 tablespoon.
Properties: Thyme is mild in nature, anti-bilious, blood pressure-increasing, nerve tonic and eyesight-enhancing, and it is useful in relieving chronic inflammation of the large intestine, removing digestive parasites, increasing appetite and overall strengthening of the digestive system.
Thyme washes the kidney; repels body moisture; It reduces blood concentration and is effective in treating colds, coughs and asthma.
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