FAQ - Common questions
visits:1- - A yellow exclamation mark appears on the antivirus icon next to the computer clock. Where is the problem from?
- - I forgot my academic email password
- - How do I get my academic email password?
- - How to request e-mail for students?
- - How to request e-mail for university staff and faculty members?
- - How to enter the e-mail page?
- - How to change your (academic) email password?
A yellow exclamation mark appears on the antivirus icon next to the computer clock. Where is the problem from?
This symptom can include several items that the antivirus software warns you about
Antivirus not registered
No antivirus update
Find and remove viruses and malware
Failure to scan the system for a long time
Each time you hover the mouse pointer over the antivirus icon, it will show you the message type. Whenever this sign appears, contact your IT staff to resolve the issue.
I forgot my academic email password
The process of changing the password is possible in the following two ways:
Go in person to the Statistics and Information Technology management and present a national card and receive a new password
Written request (office automation) from the relevant unit (obviously the password will be sent to the requesting unit in secret)
How do I get my academic email password?
Visit the Statistics and information technology management in person and present a national card and receive a password
Phone call and provide the national code (Obviously, after presenting the national code, the password will be sent to the requesting unit in secret).
How to request e-mail for students?
To request creation of academic e-mail for senior students and above, with approval of the Research Office, it is possible through a written letter and the exact mention of the name, national code, student number, field of study and desired username.
How to request e-mail for university staff and faculty members?
To request creation of academic e-mail for subdivisions and sataff and faculty members of the University of Medical Sciences in a written letter (Office Automation) to the Statistics and Information Technology management on behalf of the relevant unit and mention the type of use and username (exact name and surname and national code and place of work are required for staff and faculty members.
How to enter the e-mail page?
To enter the e-mail login page, you can enter the e-mail login page from the university portal at www.arakmu.ac.ir at the bottom of the e-mail option page or directly from mailsrv.arakmu.ac.ir, after reading the e-mail login tutorial, login.
How to change your (academic) email password?
First, enter your e-mail and from the menu on the right, select Option, then click Change Your Password, and in the page that opens, first enter the previous password and the new password and repeat the new password and save it.