Notification of launch of an electronic Health record and its requirement

09 June 2021 | 10:22 Code : 17889 news
Notification of launch of an electronic Health record and its requirement

Notification of launch of an electronic Health record and its requirement
By announcing the launch of the electronic Health record and its requirements, the elimination or minimization of paper documents is on the agenda of Ministry of Health and its affiliated organizations and relevant agencies. Also, with the launch of the electronic version program, new requirements for maintaining the principles of digital security, including confidentiality, comprehensiveness, denial and authentication, have become very colorful in creating a communication infrastructure. In this regard, the Information Technology Center of the Health Ministry has taken legal and technical measures to establish an intermediate center for the issuance of electronic Health certificates (organizational seal and digital signature in the field of Health). The first step in this area is the allocation of digital signatures for use in level 1 systems, the requirements and procedures of which have been provided to medical sciences universities across the country. It is hoped that in the near future this issue will be extended to level two and three centers of Health service providers.


tags: health electronic health electronic launch electronic requirements launch digital level

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