Microsoft Doesn’t Want You to Upgrade to Windows 11

07 July 2021 | 09:51 Code : 18520 news
Yes, TPM affords more security for your PC, but that’s not why it’s required for Windows 11.
Microsoft Doesn’t Want You to Upgrade to Windows 11

No matter what Microsoft does, there’s an outcry of righteous indignation. The announcement of Windows 11 is no exception. On the one side, you have the loud chorus of traditionalists shouting: Bring back Windows XP! No new features! No new design! On the other side (or maybe even some of the same people?) they are decrying the system requirements for Windows 11, angered and outraged that they won’t be able to run the new OS.

It actually makes me sad for the people still running Windows 7 or older, when I think back to the days of how slowly those systems booted and how lacking they were in capabilities. But the voices rising up against the inability to install Windows 11 are louder, on account of what one Apple-focused site claims are "dramatic increase in system requirements," which is pure clickbait. The system requirements are almost ridiculously low (see below).

tags: windows windows 11 new system system requirements requirements one

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