What Is Winsock and How Does It Work?

28 July 2021 | 09:03 Code : 18967 news
Winsock is an integral part of many computer operating systems. But what is it, how does it work, and what does it do?
What Is Winsock and How Does It Work?

Windows Socket API, also known as Winsock, is a type of application programming interface (API) used to communicate between Windows network software and network services. It’s primarily based on Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and derives its roots from the Berkeley Unix sockets interface.

Read on to learn more about how Winsock continues to add important value in our day-to-day lives.

The Basics of Winsock
Winsock allows Windows programs and applications to connect to the internet through TCP/IP.

Here are some of its most important features:

Winsock exists as a data link layer, and is also known as winsock.dll in our computers. It’s a dynamic library extension link.
Winsock is pre-installed in every Microsoft Windows operating system, and is available for macOS too.
The Windows Socket API includes two interfaces. The first is an API for application developers to develop apps supporting networking. In contrast, the second API is a service provider interface used to set up new network protocols.


tags: winsock windows api interface network protocol

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