Holding a virtual thesis defense session for the first time at Arak University of Medical Sciences

29 June 2020 | 11:11 Code : 10144 news
Holding a virtual thesis defense session for the first time at Arak University of Medical Sciences

Holding a virtual thesis defense session for the first time at Arak University of Medical Sciences
According to current situation in the country due to outbreak of coronavirus and the order of Health Minister to reconsider holding meetings and gatherings in environment and public places, Health School held virtual thesis defense session. Holding virtual thesis defense session, which was held for the first time at Arak University of Medical Sciences by the School, were presented under Adobe Connect software and were held at site of Health school with cooperation of University's infrastructure unit. In this webinar, students defended their thesis at home in the presence of consulting professors and judges. Given that this was the first virtual session to defend thesis, it had problems and shortcomings, which we hope will see significant progress in improving the quality of such meetings with efforts of authorities and purchase of necessary equipment.