Frequently Asked Questions about Statistics

01 December 2020 | 12:34 Code : 13626 news
News Author: Naiemeh Movahedi niya
Frequently Asked Questions about Statistics

People also ask

Where can I find reliable statistics?
The ABS is Australia's national statistical agency, providing trusted official statistics on a wide range of economic, social, population and environmental matters of importance to Australia.

How reliable are statistics?
73.6% of statistics are false. Really? No, of course it's a made-up number (even though such a study would be interesting to know – but again, could have all the flaws it tries at the same time to point out). Statistical reliability is crucial in order to ensure the precision and validity of the analysis.

Are statistics always right?
For the individual, it's always “all-or-nothing”, but for the population, the estimates are still accurate. Statistical tools enable the analysis of results in research studies, so that when extrapolated to the larger population, those results are valid, helpful, and reliable.

Do statistics prove anything?
Statistics can never "prove" anything. All a statistical test can do is assign a probability to the data you have, indicating the likelihood (or probability) that these numbers come from random fluctuations in sampling.

Is Data USA a reliable source?
All these features make this site a reliable and easy-to-use research tool that is great for all students, including visual learners and English learners. Still, don't expect any plug-and-play lessons or classroom-specific support, and, while there's tons here to explore, the data is limited to the U.S.

How do you lie about statistics?
How to Lie with Statistics is a book written by Darrell Huff in 1954 presenting an introduction to statistics for the general reader. Not a statistician, Huff was a journalist who wrote many "how to" articles as a freelancer.
How to Lie with Statistics.
Can statistics be wrong?

Professional scientists, even mathematicians and professional statisticians, can be fooled by even some simple methods, even if they are careful to check everything. Scientists have been known to fool themselves with statistics due to lack of knowledge of probability theory and lack of standardization of their tests.

How many statistics are false?
85% of Statistics are False or Misleading. By gboustead on August 5, 2010. Numbers don't lie, but they tell a lot of half-truths. We have been raised to think that numbers represent absolute fact, that in a math class there is one and only one correct answer

What percent of statistics are made up?
60 Percent of Statistics are Made


Naiemeh Movahedi niya

News Author

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