How IT Solutions Support COVID-19 Vaccine Supply Chain Logistics

30 January 2021 | 10:30 Code : 14848 news
RFID tags, Tiberius software and collaboration tools are among technologies supporting vaccine distribution.
How IT Solutions Support COVID-19 Vaccine Supply Chain Logistics

The process of tracking, storing and distributing millions of doses of the COVID-19 vaccine is a monumental undertaking, requiring an array of IT tools to coordinate and maintain fluid supply chains.

As healthcare providers grapple with the rapid and unprecedented mass development, distribution and administration of COVID-19 vaccines, they are turning to technologies such as RFID tags and 2D barcodes, which can encode vaccine identification information to help reduce errors and make vaccines traceable.

The Pfizer BioNTech vaccine, which must be kept at subzero temperatures, creates an additional logistical feat for distribution. Temperature-controlled containers and connected devices for measurement, notification, tracking and insight are required, with each box of vaccines equipped with a GPS beacon, a temperature monitor and a barcode.


That data information streams into the federal government’s Vaccine Operations Center in Washington, D.C., while a software program, Tiberius, has been created to monitor the orders and track the vaccines. Tiberius even crunches the numbers on population prioritization, such as recipient age, to determine which states need how many vaccines for each stage of the rollout.

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