Signing a contract for implementation of the fiber optic plan of affiliated medical centers with the province Telecommunication Company

06 April 2021 | 11:01 Code : 16317 slideshow news
Signing a contract for implementation of the fiber optic plan of affiliated medical centers with the province Telecommunication Company

Signing a contract for implementation of the fiber optic plan of affiliated medical centers with the province Telecommunication Company
With the efforts and follow-up of the Statistics and Information Technology management of university and effective and valuable support of the university chancellor after several shifts of expert work and coordination meetings between the Statistics and Information Technology management and business department management of the Telecommunication Company following the meeting held by the university chancellor and the CEO of the province's telecommunication company was held, fortunately the contract for the implementation of fiber optics for all covered medical centers in the province was prepared and signed by the officials of the Telecommunication company and the university. According to this contract, the Telecommunication Company was obliged to do part of the work according to the announced executive framework after receiving the announced fee, and part of the work should be done by experienced companies after going through the legal process. It should be noted that with the implementation of this plan, all medical centers in the province, while connecting to the secure internal network of the university, will enjoy an increase in the quality of operation of the university systems and upgrade of bandwidth, etc. 

tags: university telecommunication telecommunication company company province centers province medical centers province implementation contract

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