Publication of the electronic version of the index of the sixth plan of economic, social and cultural development of the country

10 April 2021 | 10:27 Code : 16415 news
News Author: Naiemeh Movahedi niya
This publication includes selected indicators to monitor the objectives of the Sixth Development Plan of the country, which is prepared by using the registration statistics of executive agencies, census information and sampling plans of the Statistics Center of Iran and executive agencies in 3 main chapters and 4 sub-chapters.
Publication of the electronic version of the index of the sixth plan of economic, social and cultural development of the country of the indicators of the Sixth Economic, Social and Cultural Development Plan of the country has been prepared in order to observe the objectives of the Sixth Development Plan of the country by examining the changes in time series of the indicators of the mentioned objectives.
In the third chapter," Scientific, cultural and social indicators" under the chapter of Health, statistics and information related to Health indicators are recorded. The source of information in this subsection is the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. 


Naiemeh Movahedi niya

News Author

tags: indicators health sixth social cultural development

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