How to create a digital workplace

11 May 2021 | 08:55 Code : 17184 news
Creating a digital work environment for employees, regardless of where they are physically, involves much more than handing out laptops, turning to cloud apps, and using a VPN. Here's what companies need to keep in mind as they plan ahead.
How to create a digital workplace

Because a secure remote-work strategy has become essential for business resilience, IT organizations are increasingly thinking now about creating digital workplaces. But doing so means much more than enabling remote work via VPNs, using identity controls, and rolling out cloud-based applications.

It also means devising a strategy that takes into account employee needs, regardless of location, in a way that ensures business moves forward smoothly.

[ Related: When it’s time to return to the office, tech is key to success ]
As companies worldwide grapple with what the post-pandemic workplace looks like, it’s important to understand the difference between a digital workplace and a digital workspace. They’re not the same thing. And whether  companies plan a full return to office, an all-remote staff, or something in between — the "hybrid workplace" — the core issues they face in setting strategy remain the same.

Here's a look at the issues companies are likely to face.

tags: digital workplace companies strategy remote s

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