Google will automatically enroll users in two-factor authentication soon

11 May 2021 | 11:02 Code : 17192 news
Google hates passwords, so it's trying to replace them with two-factor authentication.
Google will automatically enroll users in two-factor authentication soon

Most security experts agree that two-factor authentication (2FA) is a critical part of securing your online accounts. Google agrees, but it’s taking an extra step: It’s going to sign up Google account holders up for two-factor accounts automatically.

Google sees two-factor authentication as a replacement for passwords, which Mark Risher, Google’s director of product management for identity and user security, in a statement called “the single biggest threat to your online security.” Because they’re easy to steal and hard to remember, users will end up reusing passwords. If stolen, they can be used to unlock multiple user accounts, adding to the risk.

Google already uses 2FA to secure accounts, but it’s been optional until now. If you have 2FA enabled on your Google account, for example, you can view the passwords Google knows by entering your passwords, then confirming your login on a separate phone via Google’s Authenticator app. (It’s no coincidence that Google is announcing this on the so-called World Password Day.) This is two-factor authentication: compounding your security by taking something you know (a password) and combining it with something you have (an authorized phone).

tags: google s security factor factor authentication passwords accounts

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