What is 8D audio, and how can you experience it?

02 October 2021 | 09:08 Code : 20667 news
News Author: Monireh Abdi
What is 8D audio, and how can you experience it?

What is 8D audio, and how can you experience it?
If you spend a lot of time on YouTube, you may have seen something called 8D Audio showing up in the Up Next column or in your recommended videos. 8D? As in eight-dimensional audio? Yes, it’s a thing. But how can audio possess eight dimensions? How can our ears hear something in eight dimensions? And why do 8D videos always tell us to put our headphones on?
In short, what the heck is 8D audio, anyway? Give us a few minutes and we’ll explore every dimension of 8D audio. Ear we go …




Monireh Abdi

News Author

tags: 8d 8d audio audio eight videos dimensions something

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