Expired certificate downs Windows 11 snipping tool, S mode start menu and settings page

09 November 2021 | 10:17 Code : 21588 news
News Author: Naser Rezaii
Microsoft is yet to push a patch that will fully resolve the issues caused.
Expired certificate downs Windows 11 snipping tool, S mode start menu and settings page

Expired certificate downs Windows 11 snipping tool, S mode start menu and settings page
Microsoft is yet to push a patch that will fully resolve the issues caused.
Windows 11 users looking to use the built-in snipping tool, touch keyboard, voice typing, and emoji panel could be in a bit of strife thanks to an expired certificate.
According to Microsoft, the issues began at the start of the month after a certificate expired on October 31.
For users of the locked down S mode variant of Windows, there could be an extra dose of pain as the start menu itself, the accounts page, and landing page in settings may also be impacted.
Microsoft said it would automatically push an update to affected devices, but it noted the patch would still leave the snipping tool and S mode impacts unaffected.
For the snipping tool, Microsoft has suggested users revert to using the print screen button and pasting from the clipboard into documents or Paint.
"We are working on a near term resolution for the Snipping tool and the S mode issues and will provide an update when available," the company said on the patch page.
It is yet to explain why opening the start menu or certain apps requires communication with its servers.
Reference: zdnet.com

Naser Rezaii

News Author

tags: tool snipping tool tool s tool s mode snipping snipping tool s snipping tool s mode s s mode mode

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