AI to bring massive benefits, but also cause great concern

18 January 2022 | 10:16 Code : 23380 news
In this interview with Help Net Security, Matthew Rosenquist, CISO at, explains the benefits as well as the disadvantages of AI, and the tremendous impact it could have on our society.
AI to bring massive benefits, but also cause great concern

Artificial intelligence is gaining momentum. What could be the benefits for enterprises?
The applications for Artificial Intelligence are growing every day. AI is great at determining optimal paths and resource utilization as well as identifying objects or interpreting data such as voice recognition. These are powerful tools that can be integrated into many different systems to improve effectiveness, efficiency, or create entirely new capabilities.

Autonomous driving is a great example where AI is employed to understand the surrounding objects and their behaviors while plotting an optimal trajectory around obstacles en route to the destination. Regular logic is not sufficient to comprehend all the inputs from cameras, lidar, and the multitude of other vehicle sensors. AI can identify object data it has never seen before and still classify it with a high degree of accuracy. This will enable ever more capable and safe self-driving cars, busses, trains, ships, and even planes. All computer-controlled.

The downside to such automated collision avoidance and navigation is, it becomes susceptible to interference, manipulation, and malicious hacking. This is true of all AI innovations. The more we trust, embrace, and enable technology to have control over our lives, the more risk we must be willing to accept or mitigate.

tags: ai artificial objects intelligence benefits driving

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