Rate Incidence Adjusted:

09 February 2022 | 09:09 Code : 23897 news
News Author: Naiemeh Movahedi niya
Rate Incidence Adjusted:

Rate Incidence Adjusted:

What is an adjusted rate?
An adjusted rate is an artificially created figure that enables comparison across time and space. It should only be compared with another adjusted rate that was computed using the same "standard" population. However, it does provide a single figure which can be easily used and adapted for comparative analysis.

What is one of the main purposes of adjusted rates?
 rate of morbidity, mortality in a population in which statistical procedures have been applied to permit of fair comparisons across population by removing effect of differences in the composition of various population.

How do you calculate incidence rate?
How Do You Calculate Person-Time Incidence Rates?
 Person-time incidence rates, which are also known as incidence density rates, are determined by taking the total number of new cases of an event and dividing that 
by the sum of the person-time of the at-risk population.

How do you calculate incidence per 100000?
Incidences and prevalence are often reported with a population multiplier such “per m people” or “per m person-years.” To convert a rate or proportion to “per m people,” simply multiplying by m. For example, an incidence rate of 0.00877 per person-year = 0.008770 × 100,000 = 877 per 100,000 person-years.

Rate Incidence Adjusted covid19 in Iran:

AIR (Rate Incidence Adjusted) = [(NP + α1NN + α2NU)/ (pop × t)] × 100000; α1 = 0.4, α2 =0.6

Pop: City population
  Np:  Hospitalization cases whit positive test
Nn:  Hospitalization cases whit negative test
T: time (day)

Score = AIRw1 + δ × Max (0, AIRw1 – (AIRw2 + AIRw3)/ 2); δ= 0.5
Coloring threshold:

Score is <1 then color of city is blue
             Score is Between 1 and 2 then color of city is yellow
Score is >2 then color of city is orange

Score is >4 then color of city is red

Naiemeh Movahedi niya

News Author

tags: rate adjusted rate rate incidence rate incidence adjusted incidence incidence adjusted population adjusted per ldquo per

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