What is James Webb telescope programming language?

24 August 2022 | 09:54 Code : 28811 news
News Author: Monireh Abdi
What is James Webb telescope programming language?

Little by little we are getting to know all the secrets of the James Webb telescope, one of the most important space innovations of recent decades.

The James Webb telescope It has been on everyone’s lips in recent weeks. Even in that of people who have no interest in space.

The incredible images you have sent us are revolutionizing space exploration, to the point that some astronomers could not hold back tears when they saw them. How to get cataract surgery

The james webb technology it’s revolutionary: it sees farther than any other telescope, and with higher resolution. But it turns out that the hardware and software behind it are not exactly the most advanced in the world…

A few days ago we learned that the James Webb telescope stores the photos it captures… in a single 64 GB SSD. It fills up in a day, so it has to continually send them back to Earth.

The reason is that you have to protect the SSD from radiation and other problems in space, and the simpler it is and the fewer components it has, Less chance of it going bad.

Something similar happens with software. The Verge today publishes a PDF from NASA explaining that The programming language that the James Webb uses is… Javascript.

It is the most popular web page creation language, but in recent months it has been heavily criticized. Even prestigious programmers such as the creator of the JSON language, consider it “a dinosaur” that drags performance and security problems.

As the PDF explains, the ISIM-module, which is responsible for capturing the photos and sending them to Earth, uses a series of scripts written in JavaScriptto carry out their tasks.


Monireh Abdi

News Author

tags: james james webb james webb telescope webb webb telescope telescope language space hellip

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