The US, UK and 16 other countries sign agreement for safe AI development

The potential for AI to turn rogue is a major concern among developers and lawmakers
29 November 2023 | 13:08 Code : 39688 news
The US, UK and 16 other countries sign agreement for safe AI development

What just happened? Eighteen countries, including the US and the UK, have joined hands to ensure AI development is "secure by design." The agreement lays out a set of principles that aims to address persistent concerns about how AI could become a disruptive force if it falls into the hands of malicious actors.

The 20-page document mentions several safeguards to ensure responsible AI development, including the need for tech companies to "develop and deploy it in a way that keeps customers and the wider public safe from misuse." Apart from the US and the UK, other countries that have signed the document include Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Poland, Australia, Chile, Israel, Nigeria and Singapore.

The agreement extensively deals with ways to secure AI from being hijacked by hackers, and includes recommendations on how companies should first conduct appropriate security testing before releasing their models. However, as reported by Reuters, the document does not address controversial issues, such as how data is gathered for the AI models. There have already been multiple legal skirmishes over this matter, so one would hope that regulators and lawmakers would step in sooner rather than later to address it once and for all.

tags: ai address countries uk document agreement

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