Another new surgical event in Vali-Asr hospital in Arak

04 October 2020 | 11:00 Code : 12342 news Slideshow
For the first time Vali-Asr hospital in Arak, endoscopic surgery of pituitary tumor through nose was successfully performed.
Another new surgical event in Vali-Asr hospital in Arak

Another new surgical event in Vali-Asr hospital in Arak

For the first time Vali-Asr hospital in Arak, endoscopic surgery of pituitary tumor through nose was successfully performed.
According to WebDa Markazi report, Vali-Asr hospital of Arak, as a surgical center of Markazi province, witnesses sensitive and rare surgeries every day, which is considered normal for skilled surgeons and doctors of this center, but from eye therapy is every complex and vital for treatment of patients.
Endoscopic surgery of pituitary tumor through the nose is a proof of the claim that every day we see new and fresh procedure in the surgical department of this center.
This surgery was performed for the first time on Sunday, December 27, 2020 in the above center with a specialist team consisting of Dr. Mohsen Dalvandi, neurosurgeon, Dr. Aghajanpour, ENT specialist and Dr. Ismail Moshiri, anesthesiologist on a 31-year- old woman.
According to several interviews with specialist physicians, regarding this surgical method, such information was obtained that without splitting the patient's nose and roof of the mouth, first by the ENT specialist with an endoscope through the nose to the necessary path to the floor of the brain (The pituitary cavity) is prepared and then the bone of the floor of the pituitary cavity is removed by a neurosurgeon and the tumor is removed.


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