International Affairs Office

Minister of Health at the opening of the 67th Eastern Mediterranean Regional Meeting of the WHO

13 October 2020 | 07:44 Code : 12527 news Slideshow
This pandemic provided many lessons to be learned nationally, regionally and globally
Minister of Health at the opening of the 67th Eastern Mediterranean Regional Meeting of the WHO

I want all members, states and international organizations to strongly support the leadership of the World Health Organization

By strengthening the IT infrastructure, we can provide more reliable data, as well as distance medicine and distance education in the new era.

Leadership, solidarity, the "whole government, whole society" approach, the use of community members, cross-sectoral cooperation, evidence-based interventions and coordination between countries are the tools needed to manage the Covem Pandemic.

Unilateral threatening actions can not only prevent effective interventions in the fight against the epidemic, but also prevent us from achieving global goals and a regional commitment to universal health coverage in general.

tags: COVID-19 67th Eastern Mediterranean Regional Meeting Dr.Saeed Namaki

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