International Affairs Office

How to prevent corona disease at work

12 December 2020 | 12:42 Code : 13846 news Slideshow
How to prevent coronary heart disease at work?
How to prevent corona disease at work

How to prevent corona disease at work? 

Ministry of Health:

 - keep a distance of two meters with your colleagues.

- Never touch your face, eyes and mouth. 

- Do not crowd in the rooms or halls of the workplace. 

- Having proper ventilation in the workplace is very important.

 - Work as much as possible without meeting. 

- Do not forget to use gloves and masks.

 - Sanitize your hands continuously or wash them for 20 seconds.

 - Sanitize all contact surfaces every day.

 - If you are sick, avoid attending work. Avoid eating breakfast and lunch in groups.

tags: How to prevent coronary heart disease at work Ministry of Health

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