International Affairs Office

Promoting the level of Arak University of Medical Sciences in the field of international affairs

13 December 2020 | 09:36 Code : 13868 news
The director of the International affairs managing of Arak University of Medical Sciences announced the promotion of the position of Markazi province in this field in the latest ranking of international affairs among the country's universities.
Promoting the level of Arak University of Medical Sciences in the field of international affairs

The director of the International affairs managing of Arak University of Medical Sciences announced the promotion of the position of Markazi province in this field in the latest ranking of international affairs among the country's universities. According to Webda Markazi, Dr. Bahram Jalaei said: The second meeting of the International Relations Council of Arak University of Medical Sciences is so important due to preventing the dispersal of the collection of international affairs and organizing all actions in one specific corridor.

 Dr. Jalaei, referring to the twentieth place in the ranking of international affairs of Arak University of Medical Sciences among 64 universities of the country, said: "Fortunately, with the efforts of all colleagues, we have reached the seventeenth rank, which is very promising and carries good messages for the university.” The director of the International Affairs managing of Arak University of Medical Sciences also noted: "By seeing this success, creating a consortium was started in the field of health and improved the level of communication between the vice chancellors and the external environment by strengthening the foreign and international site, which will have acceptable results in the future."

tags: Director of the International affairs managing Arak University of Medical sciences Dr. Jalaei

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