International Affairs Management

Constructive interactions between Arak University of Medical Sciences and Iraq

10 July 2021 | 08:26 Code : 18554 news Slideshow
The president of Arak University of Medical Sciences said: "It is necessary to develop the interactions between Arak University and Iraq in educational, research, treatment and cultural discussions."
Constructive interactions between Arak University of Medical Sciences and Iraq

The president of Arak University of Medical Sciences said: "It is necessary to develop the interactions between Arak University and Iraq in educational, research, treatment and cultural discussions."
According to Webda Markazi, Dr. Seyyed Mohammad Jamalian in a meeting with the Cultural Counselor of the Iraqi Embassy and a group of deputies of Arak University of Medical Sciences, said: "We intend to add the name of Arak University of Medical Sciences to the list of selected universities in Iraq to have constructive interactions in educational, research, treatment, and cultural discussions and use each other's capacities and potentials.
The cultural advisor of the Iraqi embassy continued the meeting and said: "Currently, there are 7 universities in the list of the Iraqi Ministry of Science and we intend to add the names of three universities of Arak, Isfahan and Jundishapur to this list as soon as possible."
Dr. Amjad Hamid Al-Muzaffar added: "We are trying to take a new step in the development of cultural and scientific relations between Iraq and Iran."

tags: The president of Arak University of Medical Sciences Arak University of Medical Sciences virologist Dr. Seyyed Mohammad Jamalian

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