Treatment deputy of Ministry of Health and Medical Education:

Equipment and infrastructure of medical centers of Markazi province need modernization

15 January 2019 | 10:06 Code : 2518 news
Treatment deputy of Ministry of Health and Medical Education said that equipment and infrastructure of the hospitals and medical centers of Markazi province are exhausted and require modernization.
Equipment and infrastructure of medical centers of Markazi province need modernization

According to WebDa Markazi report, Dr. Ghasem Janbabaei in the visited of medical centers and projects of Health sector of Markazi province in Arak said'' According to visit from a number of Health centers and projects of Health sector in Markazi province, some centers need to be updated in terms of infrastructure and equipment".

"Particularly in Arak city, due to the high volume of visits as the capital of province, we face some problems that we hope to allocate necessary funds, new building of Vali Asr(A.s) hospital in Arak will be completed next year, because the bulk of the work of infrastructure of this hospital is now underway.

He stated that providing part of the equipment needed for the Ayatollah Khansari hospital, including a radio-therapy apparatus, is on the agenda of the ministry and fortunately, the center has no problems such as having specialist doctor and providing medicines for patients.

At the end, Dr. Janbabaei said that in relation to the hospital that is scheduled to be built as a substitute for Ayatollah Taleghani hospital in Arak with the help of donors, supply part of the equipment needed will be made by Ministry of Health.



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