Launch of a Web-based system for the observation and transmission of focused medical images (PACS) in five hospitals of Markazi province

26 May 2019 | 20:08 Code : 4388 news
Arak University of Medical Sciences chancellor announced the launch of a Web-based system for the observation and transmission of focused medical images (PACS) in five hospitals of Markazi province
Launch of a Web-based system for the observation and transmission of focused medical images (PACS) in five hospitals of Markazi province

According to WebDa Markazi report, Dr. Seyyed Mohammad Jamaliyan , with the announcement of this article, added " The PACS system provides access to high-quality imaging data among five hospitals of Markazi province that is already online and concentrated all images in a system web is visible at anytime, anywhere, and from any hardware system such as a laptop, computer system(PC) and smart phone are accessible without the need to install the application".
He stated that archiving and storing imaging data, fast data transfer, fast and online access to information through the internet and intranet, and reduction of radiological costs are the benefits of using a centralized PACS system in these five hospitals of province.
Arak University of Medical Sciences chancellor said that Web-based system for the observation and transmission of focused medical images (PACS) has been launched in five hospitals, Vali Asr(A.s), Amir al momenin(A.s), Ayatollah Khansari, Amir Kabir and Imam Khomeini hospital of Mahallat, these hospitals can transmit radiology images, MRI, angiography, endoscopy, sonography, CT scans, mammography, echocardiography, and any medical device that records the image in these centers through PACS system and others, doctors, experts and faculty members who have been identified username and password by management of IT and statistics can use the system.
"The benefits of PACS system are reducing the cost of buying radiology film and its other requirements, preventing damage to the environment due to the irreversibility of films, reducing the hospital's overhead costs and preventing annual increase in these costs, making it possible to read the film every hour from around the clock and from anywhere in the world by an expert team and upgrading the quality of device" he mentioned.
In the end, Arak University of Medical Sciences said that in the second phase of operation all the hospitals of the province were equipped with this system, added" Using the PACS system and setting up Web-based system for the observation and transmission of focused medical images in hospitals of province in order to serve the citizens of the province is one the most worthwhile measures for the people of the Markazi province, which is the result of the efforts  and follow up of the management and personnel of the Statistics and IT office of University.