Residence Code


Residence Code General administration and disciplinary regulations of Single student dormitories
Universities and faculties of medical sciences and health services
The university and the student are considered as the axes of scientific, cultural and social development of the country and the student dormitory as the second home of the student is of special importance in promoting spiritual vitality, maintaining mental and physical peace, developing thoughts and ideas, improving the personality and increasing the quality of student. In order of facilitating and improving the quality of life in dormitories, formulating clear and transparent rules and regulations with the aim of respecting individual and collective rights, strengthening the spirit of responsibility and self-confidence, providing security and legalizing student housing is essential.
Accommodation Committee: A committee consisting of the Students and Culture Vice Chancellor, the Student Director and the head of the Department of Dormitory Affairs.
-Dormitory shift supervisor: The dormitory supervisor, supervisor and manager of the dormitory is named under this title.
-Student Disciplinary Council: It is a council that is responsible for investigating and following up on student violations. The council is composed of two parts, the primary and appellate councils, the chairman of the primary council, the student deputy and the cultural director of the university and the chairman of the university's review council.
- Rooms and furniture will be delivered upon the student's arrival at the dormitory according to the minutes and at the end of each semester or the academic year. Liability for damage to the room or deduction of property will be the responsibility of the recipient person or persons.
- Damage caused to property delivered at the end of each semester or academic year by the department of Dormitory Affairs Calculated and after the approval of the Students and Culture Vice Chancellor, the deposit and the received funds should be spent in the dormitories to the account designated by the financial management of the university. The Department of Dormitory Affairs will extend the student's residence card only if the damages are paid. - The provision of personal belongings including blankets, sheets, pillows, mattresses and beds are the responsibility of the university.
- The dormitory shift supervisors are obliged to be present in the dormitory until the end of their work shift and in no way to leave their place of work until the person in charge of the next shift arrives.
- The spare key of all rooms and public places of the dormitory for use in emergency situations, necessarily and trustfully kept at the disposal of the dormitory shift supervisor.
- In order of optimally management the dormitories, the university can use the participation of students living in dormitories as much as possible, to implement and carry out various cultural, social and union programs and projects in the form of student work.
- The identity card of the room, which includes the following items, must be prepared by the Department of Dormitory Affairs in each semester and kept in the dormitory office: Registration information) Student ID details (Student information) Student number, field, course (and course
Property delivered by each student, verified addresses) details and addresses of the student's relatives in nearby cities or the city where the university is located, declared by the student's guardian or legal guardian as a notarized registration at the time of registration( and each student’s home address and telephone ).
- Dormitory ID card, which includes technical information related to the building, number of students by course, field and academic year, property, welfare facilities, statistics and details of dormitory staff, must be prepared in each semester by the Department of Dormitory Affairs and in The dormitory office should be maintained.
- Installation of any notice in the dormitory environment is possible only with the permission of the dormitory administration and the dormitory administration is required to collect all unlicensed notices.
- The supply and sale of tobacco products in stores and buffets located in student places is strictly prohibited and it is necessary to mention its prohibition in the lease agreement of these places.
- The dormitory administration is obliged to prepare the job description of the dormitory staff and the building guide board for each dormitory and install it in a suitable place for informing the students.
- The student is obliged to present a notarized commitment related to the Student Welfare Fund upon arrival at the dormitory.
-To students after graduation, dropout or expulsion from university as well as students who for any reason disconnect from education (study leave, disciplinary suspension), will not be allowed to continue living in the dormitory.
-Graduates with a written license from the student affairs can stay at the dormitory at most for two weeks.
- Changing the room to which the student has been introduced only in necessary cases by obtaining a written permission from the dormitory affairs office will be available.
- Student room or dormitory during the period of residence in the dormitory, according to the necessity and expediency of the affairs department dormitories may change, the student is required to stay in the places designated for him / her.
-Determining the number of people in each room is the responsibility of the dormitory affairs department and the students living in the room are not allowed to object the entry of new people who have received a residence permit in the room.
- Students who receive a residence permit in the dormitory if they do not cancel in due time up to ten days after the start of the semester (full accommodation cost of the semester) in accordance with the regulations the welfare fund will be calculated for them.
- Accommodation of students in the dormitory during the summer holidays, between the two semesters and the days of Nowruz, with the exception of interns and residents are prohibited.
Note: Students who have a course in the above-mentioned days are required to provide the necessary documents from the dormitories department will receive a residence permit and will live in the dormitory and the room designated for them.
- If there are facilities, eligible students can start from the beginning of their studies, respectively: associate and bachelor's degree 4 semesters, Bachelor's degree and PhD 1 semester, Bachelor's degree 5 Semester, professional doctorate 4 semester to use student dormitory.
-The accommodation committee can reduce the maximum length of stay if there is a lack of capacity and facilities.
- Increasing the period of accommodation in special cases with the approval of the housing Committee and observing the regulations of the welfare fund is available.
- If the student living in the dormitory does not vacate the dormitory within the time limit set by the department of dormitory affairs, his room with the presence of a representative introduced by the university security, the head or head of the dormitory and the person in charge dormitory shift during the evacuation minutes and the student's violations to the competent authorities for following-up Will be reported next.
-It is necessary for dormitory students to have a housing card including their photo with them to live in the dormitory.
- Authorized entry and exit times in dormitories and closing the dormitory entrance door in the first and second 6 months of the following year is like this description. Of course, according to the climatic, cultural, social conditions and location of the dormitories, the Accommodation Committee can decrease or increase the set time.
- The student is obliged to register his / her arrival and departure when entering and leaving the dormitory, according to the rules and attendance system in that dormitory.
-Arrival or departure during unauthorized hours such as departure or return from travel, camps and educational activities research, special cases or conditions that have arisen outside the student's will by registering in the accommodation office and submission of documents will be unrestricted.
- It is necessary for the student to enter and leave the unauthorized hours when entering or leaving the dormitory, stating the reason and the destination should be registered in the special office of the dormitory and the shift supervisor is responsible for all cases to inform the head of the dormitory department at the end of each shift.

- In case of a report by the head of dormitory affairs, stating that non-observance of the set hours and unjustified absence of the student from dormitory, accommodation committee while informing the student's family in accordance with the regulations regarding the continuation or cancellation of the residence in the dormitory will make a decision.
-In case of unjustified absence of the student in the dormitory room for two consecutive weeks in each semester, his accommodation permission in the dormitory will be canceled in that semester and the full accommodation cost of the semester will be calculated according to the rules of the Student Welfare Fund.
- The dormitory shift supervisor is required to maintain order and security at the end of the designated arrival and departure time, visiting all floors and rooms respectfully, while observing the students, their presence and absence in the relevant registry office and the cases of absence after reviewing and, if necessary, following up on the student's family, to report the above authorities.
- Students living in the dormitory can stay within the home of relatives living in the city of study or temporarily reside in neighboring cities some nights only. It is necessary to have the details, address, telephone number and their relation with the student is listed in the relatives' form and has been approved by the student's legal guardian.
- The signature of the guardian or legal guardian of the student in the form of relatives must be registered upon arrival at the dormitory notarized.
- Student leave card from the dormitory after completing the address form and details of relatives, while being proofed and registered in the relevant office, is announced to the student and then to the department of dormitory and family affairs.
- The duration of the trip or the absence of the student must be determined in advance and the student is obliged to announce his presence to the dormitory shift supervisor after the expiration of the period and return from the trip and deliver the leave form which is approved by the guardian relatives (refer to the relative’s home) to the dormitory supervisor. Otherwise, it is necessary for the shift supervisor to notify the head (in charge) of the dormitory administration in writing.
- The head of the dormitory or the person in charge of the dormitory affairs can inquire about the student's presence in the relative's house by phone and, if necessary, after coordinating with the relevant officials, check the student's presence by visiting the place.
- According to the dignity of the student, observance of appropriate coverage and based on Islamic norms, customs and social norms are mandatory for all students and whatever the student behaves inside or outside his room should be within the current laws and regulations of the country and approve circulars.
"Note": Appearing in inappropriate and unconventional clothes (tight, short, underwear, etc.) which is contrary to Islamic etiquette, student affairs and community customs, generally prohibited in public dormitories and the entry and exit of people with bad hijab and with inappropriate covering will be prevented.
-Any movement or transfer of public property of the dormitory by the student is prohibited.
Note: Any change or replacement of the lock in the room, change and relocation of property inside the room or the relevant unit without obtaining permission from the Dormitory Administration or the dormitory manager is prohibited.
The use of devices such as VCD, video, etc. and computer by the student in the room is possible with the observance of the conditions set and obtaining a license from the dormitory.
-How to use the Internet facilities in dormitories are determined according to the conditions and facilities of each university and based on the policies of the cultural council of that university. Coordinating and monitoring the proper implementation of this policy is the responsibility of the student Cultural Vice Chancellor and its affiliated units.
- It is forbidden to cause any disturbance that disturbs the residents of the dormitory (such as making noise, conflicts, raising the volume of the radio, television and playing music, etc.).
-Manner and behavior of students living in dormitories that due to the special condition of the building overlook adjacent residential, should be in a way that does not disturb the comfort of the dormitory neighbors.
- In order to maintain the security of student affairs, it is prohibited to take photos or videos of the interior of the student dormitory and use a camera and video camera or mobile phone with photo and video technology without obtaining permission from the dormitory administration.
- With any abuse of mobile phone technology, cameras, etc. in student dormitories in addition to prosecution they will be conducted in accordance with the rules of the Student Disciplinary Council.
-Excessive consumption of water, electricity and gas has legal problems. Also, any kind of use of devices such as: electric kettle, electric samovar, rice cooker, freezer, heater, adding gas lamps or devices that endanger the safety of the dormitory are forbidden to use in the rooms. It is generally forbidden to cook or heat food inside the room, and in addition to collecting the relevant equipment, the cost of additional electricity consumption and all possible damages, such as: fire, carpet destruction, etc. are the responsibility of the student.
- Observing the health of the environment and cleaning the room or student accommodation and the equipment in it (especially the refrigerator) will be the responsibility of the students living in that room o and how to supervise it will be the responsibility of the administration dormitory affairs.
- Students are not allowed to interfere in the affairs of the facility and in case of any problem in order to prevent possible damage, it is necessary to notify the dormitory in writing and orally. The residents of the room are responsible for not announcing the needs or direct interference in the affairs of the facility that will cause possible loss of life and property.
- The dormitory supervisor has no responsibility for personal belongings inside the student's room and the student is responsible for maintaining his / her personal property.
In case of theft, the student must report in writing to the head of the dormitory shift to be dealt with according to the rules.
- Smoking and storage of equipment related to smoking is prohibited in all university facilities, including dormitories, and violators will be treated in accordance with the regulations and instructions issued by the Student Disciplinary Council.
- The storage, distribution, sale and use of illegal tools such as gambling equipment, illegal tapes and CDs, cold steel and firearms, distribution and use of any opiates, alcohol and psychotropic substances, is generally prohibited and Violators will be dealt with in accordance with the regulations and instructions issued by the Student Disciplinary Council.
- The use of musical instruments in the dormitory is prohibited.
- The head of the dormitory department, in coordination with the superior official and in the presence of the representative introduced by the university security, if necessary and reports suspicious cases, is allowed to visit the room and inspect the cupboard, sack, bag, suitcase and personal belongings in the student room.
- If a student behaves contrary to the rules and regulations, none of the students are allowed to deal with her verbally or physically and must report the matter to the relevant authorities for consideration.
- Any physical and verbal conflict while reflecting on the student disciplinary council will lead to the deprivation of the culprit or culprits of the student from the dormitory.
- The student's residence permit in the dormitory can be revoked at any time if it is found that he / she is not qualified to continue living. The accommodation committee and the university disciplinary council are responsible for determining the incompetence.
- The dormitory guild council is selected in accordance with the relevant by-laws and regulations and works to develop students' participation in their guild affairs and to help improve services in the welfare and guild affairs of the dormitory residents within the approved rules and authorities.
- The entry and residence of non-students as guests, teachers with private students, etc. in student dormitories is prohibited.
- Non-resident student residence in the dormitory is allowed only with the consent of the host roommates and receiving written permission from the dormitory administration.
- If necessary and the facilities of the Student and Cultural Vice Chancellor of each university will decide on the short-term presence of first-degree relatives of the student in the dormitory as a guest.
Conditions for meeting student relatives at the girls' dormitory:
The maximum appointment time is until the end of the specified time of traffic in the dormitory.
In the girls' dormitory, the male visitor must be an incestuous student and present a valid photo ID or ID card to the dormitory shift supervisor and complete and sign the special appointment form or the relevant official list. The dormitory shift supervisor is obliged to provide the visitor Prior to announcing to the student, match the man with the details of the names of the student's relatives (which are already mentioned in the special form) and in case of discrepancies, report the meeting to the head of the dormitory affairs department.
The form related to the visitors must be approved by the student's parents at the beginning of entering the dormitory and kept in the dormitory office.
In the girls' dormitory, the spouse of a married student is required to present his / her identity card to the dormitory shift supervisor during the visit - the ID card is not enough - and the dormitory shift supervisor is required to follow the permitting procedures in accordance with this regulation.
The meeting will take place in a public or local room designated for this purpose and at the announced hours.
- The hour of general silence in the dormitory is determined and announced by the dormitory office according to the seasons and conditions.
- All residents, staff, officials and students of the dormitories are required to comply with the provisions of this regulation, and if a person or persons take action against it, violations will be prosecuted in the competent legal authorities of the university.
-The preparation of forms related to some of the articles of the bylaws is the responsibility of the student and cultural deputy of the university.

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