Vice chancellor of Treatment








Vice Chancellory:

 Dr. Faride Ranjbaran 






The Office of the Vice-Chancellor is responsible for regulation all treatment programs of Province centers and supervision on good performance of programs, planning and offering plans to quality and quantity promotion of treatment affairs in the Province such as public, private and etc., following up diagnostic and therapeutic problems in the Province, and investigating and offering appropriate solutions to solve them.

• Coordinating with Office of the Vice-chancellor for Development for how to supply and distribute of manpower and financial resources in the subordinate medical centers

• Issuing and renewing licenses of medical institutions

• Supervising the preparation, distribution and how to use medical equipments in the Province, and coordinating all matters related to medical equipment

• Describing and justifying problems of medical tariffs and investigating violations and complaints in this field

• Following up, supervising and accessing all specific patients to necessary treatment and pharmaceutical services and effortting to inform and educate patients

• Offering EMS services as soon as possible with minimal complications

• Coordinating Nursing and Midwifery affairs

• Planning on raising efficiency of subordinate training and medical institutes

• Planning development of implementation subspecialty projects 

•Continuous supervising and evaluating  subordinate medical institutes of the university such as hospitals, rehabilitation institutes, medical private sectors and charitable institutions