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Pandemic COVID-19

We are worried because Corona is lurking!
International Affairs Office

We are worried because Corona is lurking!

The president of Arak University of Medical Sciences, who has repeatedly expressed his concern about holding “Yalda” night in recent days, said: "All these concerns will end when people can fully perform with the conditions and keep health protocols completely."

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Oxygen therapy is the only way to treat corona disease
International Affairs Office

Oxygen therapy is the only way to treat corona disease

the Vice Chancellor of Treatment of AUMS, stated that: currently the only way to temporarily treatment of the corona and control it, is to provide oxygen to patients announced the addition of liquid oxygen sources and strengthening oxygen generators in medical centers

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Be aware of fake news and corona scams
International Affairs Office

Be aware of fake news and corona scams

The president of Arak University of Medical Sciences warned about the spread of fake news in social medias and various scams with variety titles during the corona outbreak.

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The President of Arak University of Medical Sciences gave his sincere thanks to Islamic Council of Arak City for 3 billion help
International Affairs Office

The President of Arak University of Medical Sciences gave his sincere thanks to Islamic Council of Arak City for 3 billion help

Dr. Seyed Mohammad Jamalian said: "In these days when all our power and planning is to control and manage the Corona disease and the financial income of Arak University of Medical Sciences has been severly reduced, the desicion of Islamic Council of Arak City regarding the 3 billion Toman contribution to the University of Medical Sciences was admirable.

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The director of the epidemiology department
International Affairs Office

The director of the epidemiology department

The director of the traditional medicine department of Arak University of Medical Sciences said: "Traditional medicine (alopecia) along with the main treatment can be helpful in controlling corona disease."

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MARKAZI Province at the beginning of an epidemic
International Affairs Office

MARKAZI Province at the beginning of an epidemic

The director of the epidemiology department of Arak University of Medical Sciences said: "Based on the turnover of the corona virus in Markazi province and according to the assessments, Markazi province is at the beginning of a serious epidemic." 

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Criticism of guilds and industries by the president of Arak University of Medical Sciences
International Affairs Office

Criticism of guilds and industries by the president of Arak University of Medical Sciences

The president of Arak University of Medical Sciences said: the guilds in March and April, by closing and considering the health protocols, helped a lot to control and manage this disease in the province, but for several months they have not listened to the protocols at all and hygiene in their business environment is not observed either by themselves and their colleagues.

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Pandemic COVID-19