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The director of the epidemiology department
International Affairs Office

The director of the epidemiology department

The director of the traditional medicine department of Arak University of Medical Sciences said: "Traditional medicine (alopecia) along with the main treatment can be helpful in controlling corona disease."

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MARKAZI Province at the beginning of an epidemic
International Affairs Office

MARKAZI Province at the beginning of an epidemic

The director of the epidemiology department of Arak University of Medical Sciences said: "Based on the turnover of the corona virus in Markazi province and according to the assessments, Markazi province is at the beginning of a serious epidemic." 

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Criticism of guilds and industries by the president of Arak University of Medical Sciences
International Affairs Office

Criticism of guilds and industries by the president of Arak University of Medical Sciences

The president of Arak University of Medical Sciences said: the guilds in March and April, by closing and considering the health protocols, helped a lot to control and manage this disease in the province, but for several months they have not listened to the protocols at all and hygiene in their business environment is not observed either by themselves and their colleagues.

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Non-compliance by the people doubles the problems
International Affairs Office

Non-compliance by the people doubles the problems

Dr. Jamalian, referring to the approvals of the fighting Corona Headquarters, said: The implementation of the approvals of the National fighting Corona Headquarters to close some unnecessary groups of jobs does not mean complete cessation of the Corona chain, but the speed of transmission and spread of this virus will be reduced.

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Increased risk of corona disease with prolonged indoor use
International Affairs Office

Increased risk of corona disease with prolonged indoor use

The President of Arak University of Medical Sciences said: "Due to the cold temperature and insufficient air circulation, long-term presence of people in indoor environments can increase the chance of corona disease by up to 50%."

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Normalization and disregarding of health guidelines will be a big disaster.
International Affairs Office

Normalization and disregarding of health guidelines will be a big disaster.

The president of Arak University of Medical Sciences said: "Despite the necessary warnings and training provided by the University of Medical Sciences to patients with coronavirus who are in quarantine at home, a significant number of these people do not pay attention for staying at home and leave it."

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If we do not decide today, we can’t do it tomorrow
International Affairs Office

If we do not decide today, we can’t do it tomorrow

The president of Arak University of Medical Sciences said: "If there is no serious change in the behavior of everyone in the field of coronavirus control, the provision of normal services in hospitals will also face problems."

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Re-application of restrictions from the 4th of November for 10 days
International Affairs Office

Re-application of restrictions from the 4th of November for 10 days

The political, security and social deputy of the MARKAZI governorate said: "According to the National Corona headquarters, all classes three and four will be closed for 10 days from Wednesday, November 4, and monitoring and acting with violators under the supervision of law enforcement and with the cooperation of Arak University of Medical Sciences."

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