Statistics and Information Technology Office


Statistics and Information Technology Office


Statistics and information technology is not new and strange words but what has been said so far about the benefits and merits of these two areas, which are very close to each other, may have not yet been able to address the issue in developing countries, because the existing evidence is a sign of this inadequate understanding; the existence of wandering data, the lack of attention to raw data, the lack of proper processing of data, exaggerated attention to quantity and less attention to quality with respect to collected quantities and more emphasis on individual experience than system calculation and …

But this does not mean that there was not attempt to change and perhaps one of the most important steps taken is the increased participation of statistics and information technology domains, which are the main custodians and branches for the correction of these cultures. We hope that in the light of the continuation of this leadership decision, especially in our beloved Iran, we will see the development of quantitative and qualitative information that is the basis of all sciences.

Management of Information Technology and Statistics office:

Engineer Mohsen Azimi


• Establishing a comprehensive statistical database of the Markazi Province University of Medical Sciences for better management and integration of informational structure at university and related units.

• Implementation of flow of statistic optimization and information plan, and extracting statistical and informational items of the Vice-chancelleries 

• Responding to requests from the authorities of the University, the Ministry, Management and Planning Organization of the country, Governor General Office and other organizations.

• Promotion in statistical culture

• Empowerment of staff involved in collecting statistics cycle

• Reflecting Statistical information in the magazine, inserting news on the website and etc

• Research and study in the scope of statistics management

• Summing up information and statistics about health care facilities

• Summing up hospital activities statistics in all university hospitals

• Summing up statistics software clients of outpatient health centers

• Monitoring and reviewing information and technical assistance in preparing the forms and questionnaires and statistical methods

• Supervising and overseeing the selection, implementation and maintenance of hardware systems and software packages according to the needs of university

• Monitoring the activities of designers, analysts and network and database experts in creating facilities for the purpose of applying in required systems

• Studying and evaluation attained advance in the field of IT and hardware and software technology in order to promote proficiency and scientific capability of the University

• Making communication and coordination with other IT centers (The Ministry officials, Governor General Office, Telecommunication Company of Iran and other related organization

• Strategic studies in the context of comprehensive provincial information technology projects in health sector

• Analysis, design and implementation a comprehensive provincial network of information technology in health sector

• Development and optimization of existing networks and facilities to communicate with networks outside the university


Director of Statistics and Information Technology

Name and Surname: Engineer Majid Rabiei Motmaen

Field of study: computer engineering - computer systems architecture


Direct phone: 33133685

Internal call number: 2321

Address: Arak University of Medical Sciences Headquarters, Alam El Hadi St., 4th floor



  • Teaching at Arak Islamic Azad University and Sama branch
  • Teaching at Arak University of Medical Sciences (faculties of medicine, paramedicine, nursing, midwifery, health, rehabilitation and dentistry)
  • Teaching at the training center of Arak Aluminum Company from 2013 to now



  • Teacher of computer courses in the 2nd district of Shahid Moghimi Conservatory from 1379 to 1380
  • Head of Network and Hardware Unit of Vagon Pars Computer Center from 1380 to 1385
  • Lecturer of Arak and Sama Islamic Azad University network courses from 1385 to 1387
  • Head of computer center of Arak Ayatollah Khansari hospital from 1387 to 1388
  • The head of the Computer Center of the Great Prophet (PBUH) Complex of Arak University of Medical Sciences from 1388 to 1393
  • The head of the Computer Center of Special Clinics of Arak University of Medical Sciences from 2013 to 2017
  • The head of the computer center of Amir al-Momenin (AS) hospital in Arak from 2017 to 2018
  • The head of the Computer Center of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) Complex of Arak University of Medical Sciences from 1398 to 1401
  • Management of the Department of Statistics and Information Technology of the University until now (by the decree of the Honorable President of the University)


2 statistics staffs

10 Information Technology staffs