Deputy of education and research


Dr. Mohsen Shamsi

Degree: PhD / Health Education and Health Promotion / Faculty Member of Arak University of Medical Sciences

Telephone: 33684615-086 Internal 270

Stages of obtaining degrees:

Bachelor of Public Health - Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Master of Health Education - Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Doctor of Health Education and Health Promotion - Tarbiat Modares University of Tehran

Operating activities
Head of Education of the School of Paramedical Sciences - Arak University of Medical Sciences
Director of Public Health Department, Arak University of Medical Sciences
Secretary of the Educational Council of the School of Paramedical Sciences, Arak University of Medical Sciences
Secretary of the Research Council of the School of Paramedical Sciences, Arak University of Medical Sciences
Member of the Research Council of the Student Research Committee - Arak University of Medical Sciences
Responsible for setting up, tracking and obtaining a license to establish a bachelor's degree in public health
Member of the scientific committee of the third national festival of Shahid Motahhari
Head of the scientific olympiad team of students sent from Arak University of Medical Sciences to Shiraz
In charge of the field of justice in health, the second scientific olympiad of Arak medical students
Head of the Scientific Committee of Health Students for Combating Diseases, Arak University of Medical Sciences
Head of internship for students of family health and health fighting diseases at Arak University of Medical Sciences
Member of the Educational Council of the School of Paramedical Sciences
Member of the Research Council of the School of Paramedical Sciences
Scientific and Literary Editor of Rahavard Danesh Magazine - Arak University of Medical Sciences
Administration of all educational affairs of the faculty
Study and make decisions on educational issues in coordination with the relevant authorities
Supervising the implementation of educational regulations and regulations of the faculty
Drafting the proposal of the executive principles of the duties of the affiliated units
Supervising the proper performance of the duties of the affiliated units
Arranging the agenda of the meetings of the Faculty Education Council
Educational planning with the cooperation of relevant units
Supervising the proper implementation of the educational programs and activities of the faculty and evaluating it and providing the necessary report to the dean of the faculty
Supervising the educational performance of faculty members and department managers and reflecting it to the dean
Supervise the implementation of short-term training courses
Reviewing and making decisions about research activities in coordination with the relevant authorities
Institutional evaluation of the annual research activities of the faculty
Collaborate in providing scientific, cultural and social services and holding scientific conferences and seminars of the faculty
Supervision of all research affairs of the faculty, library and databases
Planning for faculty members to take advantage of study opportunities
Arranging the agenda of the meetings of the Faculty Research Council and supervising its proper implementation