




School of Health established in 2010, with separation Fight against Diseases-Health, Family Health, Environmental Health and Occupational Health associate degrees from School of par medicine, base on sanction of the Cabinet at provincial trip in 2008, and began its activities independently; and Fight against Diseases-Health and Family Health majors of associate degrees became Public Health continuous BA degree, since second semester of the academic year 2010-2011. 
History of health majors at Arak University of Medical Sciences goes back to 1998, with Fight against Diseases-Health and Family Health associate degrees. Added public health non-continuous and Occupational Health continuous BA degree in semester 2009-10, and Health Education MA degree since first semester 2011 to other majors of the school.

Duties of School dean: 

• Providing coordination and supervising good performance of school's educational, research, administrative, financial, technical and support affairs

• Planning and supervising good performance of programs related to scientific, ethical and cultural promotion of students, staffs and faculty members

• Gathering and reporting requirements, and attempting to removing obstacles and credit deficiencies of the personal 

• Planning for good performance of the national, ministerial and academic approvals and instructions in the school 

• Providing coordination in policy making and planning through participation in committees, councils and meetings inside and outside of the school and the university

• Evaluating and reflecting annual performance to the Chancellery and other concerned authorities, and codifying short,  medium and long-term strategic and operational plans of the school 

• Supervising good performance of approvals which be notified by the Chancellery, and creating appropriate fields for development of scholastic aptitude

• Supervising good performance of educational and research duties of the school faculty members

• Evaluating and providing coordination in all subordinate units of the school

• setting proposed annual budget of the school as for educational, student, research, cultural, administrative and welfare indicators

• Supervising on work of educational and research councils, committees and etc. of the school

tags: Health Arak School of Health How to apply?